Little things
I was on a delivery to West Seattle yesterday. It wasn’t going well. There was traffic, the warehouse for my first delivery was closed and the woman I was delivering to wasn’t responding. My second delivery was another 20 minutes in the wrong direction and I was really in a hurry to be done. I arrive at the second address and the people didn’t know who I was - wrong house! - after a bit of troubleshooting I find the right home and this lovely woman invites me in to show me around. I came in and saw their beautiful home with their beautiful views, I connected with her a bit and I calmed down.
And then I drove off to my final destination, late but not as impatient. And I rounded some corner in West Seattle where I saw the most beautiful pale yellow, full moon, just peeking out over the clouds. And then I rounded another corner where you can see the city and the docks and at that moment, the sunset behind me turned all the glass in the Seattle skyline the most beautiful pink. I was surrounded by this moment. It was absolutely perfect. All the fluster-making imperfections that preceded this incredible view were exactly why I had access to it.
Sometimes it is so easy to be grateful.